Photos of Tinian, Part 2

(Historian's Photo Collection)

40th BG Red Cross Canteen
aka Madame Lazonga's
ARC Canteen
Lemonade delivery
to 40th BG CFC Shop
40th BG War Room
40th BG Area Quonsets
Enlisted Men's Area
Mess Hall and Showers
Housing in tents
Camp Chorro
Internment Camp
E.M. Tents, May 1945
25th SQ E.M. Living Area
40th GP E.M. Area
40th BG Officers quonsets
40th BG area quonsets
Swimming Hole after a storm
1945 Typhoon Damage
to 40th BG Area
More typhoon damage
Brand new 40th BG
Enlisted Mess fire
Spectator Crowd
July 21 Baseball Game
High Point Men
for return to States
August 1945
40th BG Area
April 1945
Iwo Jima crash
Invasion vehicles
beached at Iwo Jima
1/Lt. Ralph Learn
Pilots quonset
McGregor reading
John Hug's bunk
"Home grown"
Part of John Hug's crew
Capt. Carter McGregor
45th SQ Operations
40th Group Officers Club
Arrival of a New B-29
Gathers a Crowd
Renfro, Wood, Zeiz, Reid
(Virginia Luna Photo)
40th BG Swimming Hole
(V. Luna Photo)
40th BG Staff Officers
Wilkinson, Wilson, Koch, Basssette
King, LeBrayen, Zeis, Finder
Stumpff, McGline, Bradbury, Reid
Renfro, Eustis, Seebach, Luna
(V. Luna Photo)
40th BG Radar Shop
Damage after 1945 Typhoon
Paul Schultz, 45th SQ
4oth BG Men Depart Tinian
Boarding SS Moormac Hawk
40th BG Tent Area
Leveling the Area
October 1945
45th SQ Radar Boys
40th BG Radar Shop
Unknown group
Cooks and Helpers
40th BG Officers Mess, August 1945)
Tennis Exhibition, 8/11/45
L to R: Wayne Sabin, Don Budge
Bobby Riggs, Frank Parker
Enroute to Bomb Japan
August 1945
468th BG Aircraft on
Tinian Hardstands
468th BG Service Apron
58th Wing
West Service Apron
58th Wing
East Service Center
58th Wing Motor Pool
58th Wing Motor Pool
40th BG Service Apron
40th BG Service Apron
444th BG Living Area
444th BG Service Apron
462nd BG Service Apron
462nd BG Living Area
444th BG #42
Ready to Load 500#ers
500# Bombs for Loading
468th BG #23
Loading a "big one"
468th BG "Organ Annie"